As you guys know, I'm a new baby blogger. I have started a while ago but I recently restarted everything and taking this fashion blogging thing a bit more seriously (okay, a lot more actually. Because now I got a planner, ha ha). I know there are so many blogs out there, so many of them are so much better than mine, but I guess everyone has their own voice and here I am trying to get mine out there.

So what is more shocking, exciting, and confident-boosting than an award nomination from a fellow blogger who noticed my existence in the vast sea of the interwebs?! I was gratefully nominated for the Liebster Award by Katie who is a sweetheart (and a swell blogger too, you should check her out!). This award is basically for bloggers who I think need & deserve more recognition in the blogging community.


Once nominated make a post thanking and linking the person who nominated you.
Include the Liebster Award sticker in the post.
Nominate 10 other bloggers that have 200 followers or less who you think are worthy of the award.
Let them know they have been nominated by commenting on one of their posts. You can nominate the person who nominated you.
Answer the 10 questions asked to you by the person who nominated you and create ten questions for your nominees.
Lastly, copy these rules into the post.


1. If you could travel anywhere where would you choose?
Outer space! He he he and also anywhere in Iceland, New York, or London.

2. What's your favourite quote and why?
Carl Sagan's Pale Blue Dot quote. It's a reminder of who we are and our place in the universe :)

3. If you could only use one social media for the rest of your life which would you pick?
Probably Pinterest. Or Instagram.

4. Would you say you're more of a dreamer or a realist?
I'm kind of a mix of both, but when it comes down to how I mostly conduct myself, I think I'm more of a realist.
5. What's your favourite thing about blogging?
The community! It's really uplifting when you read a sweet comment on a post you're really proud of, or just knowing someone out there is reading something you write in your room in the middle of the night.

6. Why did you start blogging?
I reeeeeeally really love clothes and I couldn't contain myself. I started blogging so I could talk about outfits that I like since not so many of my friends want to listen to my ramblings about how much I think about clothes everyday.

7. What's one thing you'd really love to do or see in your lifetime?
I would love to be able to work in fashion industry, I want to see the outer space and all the pretty beaches on earth!

8. What's your favourite TV show/film or both?
My favorite TV show will always be Modern Family, but I can never pick a favorite movie they're too many!

9. What cheers you up when you're down?
Good music, comfort food, internet.

10. If you could only have five possessions what would they be?
My camera (because I love photography), my laptop (because of so many reasons), my phone (so I can read stuff and call and text people and surf the netz), my closet (does that count as one? I hope so), aaaaand maybe my wallet? Because money and my IDs are in there. Well that sounds like a boring answer lol.

  1. Since when did you start blogging and have you ever thought of making a YouTube channel to go with it? 
  2. What is your main source of inspirations to write blog post? 
  3. What do you do when you're in the blogger's rut? 
  4. Do your friends and family know about your blog? If yes, how do they react to it, and if not, why? 
  5. Who is your idol/inspiration and why? 
  6. Would you rather go out without makeup at all or wearing the same clothes every single day? 
  7. What is your top 5 makeup/fashion essentials? 
  8. What is your favorite book? 
  9. If you can swap life with a celebrity of the opposite sex for one day, who would it be and why? 
  10. What is your favorite food? 

I hope this award gets everywhere so we can discover more blogs! Thank you so so so much once again to Katie who nominated me, and I can't wait to read your answers. I hope you enjoyed today's post (although it's a bit different than usual) and don't forget to check back here next week for regular outfit posts!

xoxo, The Fashion Swing